I thenk, mi speling hes emproved ;)
Sometimes, ultra-curiosity not only costs but it makes one look such a stupid in his eyes...OMG, I can't stop laughing....There is a proverb in URDU, "I dug the whole mountain just to appear a mice :)
Ego does not let to see the life as a whole but to stick to part of it, usually positive in you and negative in others...
The worst kind of slavery is the love of self-praise as it make you to look at yourself through eyes of others...
Love is the submission of ego to one you love...if ego is there, then it is not love but the desire of ego for self-praise...
One who wants to embody love will only disappoint himself as love is not something to earn or creat...
Everyone like to own good things because it boast their "ego" however fewere are realist enough to own things as they are by challenging their ego...
Heart doesn't bind to time and it is what makes it unmanageable...
It is nonsense to expect sensibility from those who don't have sense...
Wealth without progress is a precious gem without protection...
It is said that, as one becomes wiser, he talks fewer; I wonder, how a rational being amuses another rational being?
Socrates is my all times favorite and he says, “Knowledge is virtue”… then those highly educated people who lack virtue have not benefited from knowledge :(
Plato called poetry evil; my understanding is that if he wasn’t reading Homer’s poetry, he had never gone so far in criticizing poetry…..
It is a common saying that if you want to be equal to your teacher then you lack ambition and at same time we believe that life/time itself is the best teacher. I wonder what could be an ambition bigger than life?
I don’t know how much you believe that homeopathic medicines have fewer side effects but in one case you may take side of homeopathic medicine; some believe that listening, much music causes restlessness….. then those who prescribe music for relaxation must be homeopaths…..
When I hear that some mock fundamentalists to live in cave age, I say to myself, “but they are far advanced (thousands of years old) than Paleontologists (who live millions of years old)………..
Fear reduces and appetite/thirst makes you rise...
Life in essence is transcendental but we take it as developmental; it is why we differentiate between passing through developmental stages and growing up..
The desire for change and fear for losing stability is a parardox that can't be solved by mere terminology but require thought experiments...
Even in things that we don't think reason has a role, being reasonable makes things more favorable.
Folly ruins what sincerity wants to construct.
The reason that men didn't move psychologically as they have moved technologically bcz they are encouraged to learn about things but not about themselves.
Truth is somthing bigger than reality. We are encouraged to seek reality but if seek truth then u become big enough to scare others and they will turn against u
A part of history that does not provoke thouht is just mere an object of history than history.
The biggest mistake that men in power do is to get addicted to glamor of power and at that point they act more like a model than a leader...
People get surprised only by fall of those who had a great rise...
Some go too far in search of meaning that start finding ugly details in otherwise beautiful things...it is where art reaches its limits....
Truth can be bitter but can't be ugly unless it is represented by ugly individuals...
King of rats does not die in palace.
“It is a Kingly thing, O Cyrus, to do well and to be evil spoken of”…..Antisthenes…. and it is slavish thing, O thespian, to speak well and do evils……….
I am amazed at spongy nature of the world….they soak in any fluid that flow easily….The master of the world are the owners of the information-makers…..
“We are 99%” works for agitation but will not work as a system because we belong to 99% but we want to the 1%.....(Social change has slowed down because working class does not like to appear as working class…)
Thinngs that go out of your control will start controlling you...(One obvious one; May be accumulation of new gadets are going to control us)
Most people want to own books of credible and fascinating knowledge rather than credible and fascinating knowledge...
The biggest enemy of love is fear. If you really love somebody you need to get rid of fears and become fearless otherwise you will hurt those who you love and also hurt yourself....
Away from humanity is humility and it doesn't matter, how strong you are.
Out of struggles against storms come out new skills/resources to create a new form of life.
Do not become so smart and careful that it starts hurting others...
Whenever I want to laugh at someone's stupidity, I say to myself, wait, you can't laugh at stupidity at all as long as you have a kind heart to the level of stupidity in your chest....
Nothing, is the beginning of beginning....
Leadership do not sleep, they just get confused....
If you don't own your nation then your the nation disown you............
You may not create an Iproduct before going to bed but you can forgive those who have injured you by their words or by their deeds...
You may not create an Iproduct before going to bed but you can forgive those who have injured you....
Life is not smooth, if you are humble, it makes you grow and if you are proud, it makes you get reduced….

It requires tremendous amount of courage to step back when you have the power to step up…..
There are a lot of speculations about aliens, how they look and how they will react when they will meet with humans….I would rather request you to prefer facts over speculations and see how humans are behaving to those who are alienated??
Indeed, I have a deep desire to be among that minority of people who are kind to all and show an attitude of courtesy to all despite knowing that it requires a lot of courage to be so and it doesn’t make sense to majority…..
I want to sing when birds sing, I want to smile when fragrance of flowers touch the breeze, I want to cheer up when flowing streams make the surrounding charmingly cool, I want to be warm and friendly when the sun rise and I…..BUT then I think of those who have become orphans, widows and disabled and forgot to sing and smile because they have born with a wrong identity and I…..
“We have the attitude of gratitude; Though we are bleeding under knives of discriminations and injustices but we offer our deepest gratitude to all those who passed a few words of kindness, walked few steps with us, shouted for justice with us or just watched us bleeding and felt sorry”………..
Human history is going to run more on opinions than facts as it is the opinion makers who are influencing the decision makers....
French says, "like box-makers, more noise than work"....but still makes some boxes at the end of day...better than putting hands in the pocket and chatter for nothing...and to forget all the next day........

If thinking is a skill to be learned then it is not something to be mastered in leisure but under hammering of time…..
The miracle is not to walk on water, the miracle is to live openly your built-in identity……

Generally “holy” means not to understand but to interpret the way, you like it to be understood….

Avoiding reality might be pleasant but the consequences of avoiding reality would be very bitter…..
Your Opinion is as important in shaping the future of world as the drops of rain that shape the surface of land and remember we have the imprints of some rain drops that are hundreds of millions old….

‎1st October was a day of "Hazara Spring", when they have shown their oneness across the globe in asking for Justice :)

Human history is going to run more on opinions than facts as it is the opinion makers who are influencing the decision makers....
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