Too busy mind is a slow one...

They say, things get easier as one grows stronger... That is true but strength does not I look not for ease but for something evergrowing even if it always accompany hardship.....

I think, one of main reasons for love of fantasy is to have a share of what people love but can't attain...
In uncommon situation, normal rules become abnormal. The question is, people who do not follow normal rules can still be called normal?
Men don't battle on evidences but on speculations...
Every generation have the germs of truth in them and no time was easy for truth however, in our time, there are too many kinds of antibiotics (propaganda) to allow them to grow to their niches..
It might be very difficult to live a life of third world citizen in the third world country but it is not easy either to live a life of third world citizen in first world country....
I may forget most of what I have said but I will definitely miss what I haven't said...
When one does excellent job as an amateur, believe me he is not going to do perfect by becoming professional... Methodology just ruins creativity...
I just can't repeat myself. It feels like a habit...
One may renounce reason but reason doesn't renounce anyone...
Wisdom is a follower. It follows courage, openness, curiosity and compassion...
It is really easy to know whether you love one or not? Just ask yourself, how often you are ready to forgive him/her?
Right comes after fascination so I am fascinated till right appears...
You are born to be loved and make sure to be loved when you are dying...
The quality of our experiences depend largely on the quality of thoughts and perceptions...
Logic at its peaks become a reduced language of logicians... Similarly, social values at their peaks become reduced norms of ruling class...
Arrogance is the result of psuedo-certainty...
Arrogance is the result of psuedo-certainty...
Not any of good things that we passionately seek are righteous on their own but they are defined for the purpose they are aimed to...
I look to prejudice as an attitude of giving an idea more importance than the purpose, it was created to serve for…
Ideas stay only with good hosts...
It is easy to withstand a strrong enemy but not oneself...
Civilizations don't fall. They commit suicide.
Greed has no measure for the sizes of its bites...
The only time that weakness benefits is at time of anger... Anger is the peak of one's irrationality and weaker is one's irrationality, better it is for one...
It is only ideas that grow bigger than life. Life can down a man of ideas but not his ideas....
We Humans are really good with words; when we get hurt by very small things, instead of calling it weakness, we call it sensitivity...
The sweetest thing that I don't get bored with any amount of it, is kindness...
There is a general conception that brevity might look smart but it is the result of laziness both in contemplation and expression and yet I miss no chance in expressing myself transiently
Misunderstanding always follow a sincere helping hand...
If one is too concerned about misunderstanding, he will not be able to bring changes...
Smile is welcome sign on the face... It is rarely possible that one have an open heart but not a smile on the face...
Beggining are judged by end results as all beggining are insignificant...
In past people were considering one “smart” who was able to hit two preys with single shot… Well, that is no more valid as now financiers hit millions with a single shot…
“Religion is the opium of people” said Marx… I think Marx wrote it without much contemplation (he couldn’t live to our age :(… otherwise he had written, “Religion is the opium of poor and social technology is the opium of middle and higher classes,”…Reason? Well, Each year we see higher doses of same stuffs, iphone 1-4s, ipad 1-2, Harry Potter 1-8, Pirates of Caribbean 1-3, Mission impossible 1-4 (more are coming),..and so on… At least I am convinced that each class has its opium….
Humans are unique in their ability to learn from others’ experiences and it is noteworthy that we learn most from those, whom we care most…
Does rationalizing crimes is a rationale behavior?
To me, culture is an anthropological psychoanalysis...
I would only buy the claim that unconsciousness is a myth if I could see people aren't comparing themselves with their cousins as they grow mature...
My only problem with envying is that it makes one go shopping for personality than earning one...
When one starts enjoying prestige, he starts fearing change and that is the begining to lose originality...
Luck is another name of having choices...
There is no escape from death: The struggles are not to escape death but what to die for...
Life gives small roles to get organized enough for a bigger one...
Though it matters who care about one but more important is, why they care...
If a loss brings two hearts closer, it is no longer counted as a loss...
If a loss brings two hearts closer, it is no longer counted as a loss...
What we mean by character is the ability to overcome the emotions...
It is of less importance, how world shapes one than how one shapes world....
It is not cool to become dusty before returning to dust...
Every extraordinary is ordinary in constituents...
Fear is the eyes of evil which see only negativity...
Selfishness is the first step towards misjudgment...
It seems that heaven loves to suprise creatures...
It is true that Socrates didn't get much from world but world got a lot from him...
Error and trial has been the way human has unraveled and expanded their knowledge but if error is taken equal to wrong and trialed for then, truth is shut….
Analyses are more palatable than news and I think that indicates, we are more interested in what we don’t see than what we see…. (Trust deficit)
Lately, I am inclined to conclude that, what 99% understands is very hard for 1% to get… I guess, it is going to be the way people will look to “smarts”….
It is not hammering that shapes an iron but hammering for that shapes it for....
They say knowledge is power. Of course, it is but its power to change is slow and come by planned and cosistent efforts....
How one can expect to bring change when strong ones resisting it. Of course by becoming stronger...
What you dream is what spirit for...
A just cause makes it easy to bear hardships...
Just show me the boundary and I will break it...
Having big heart doesn't mean to not care about big things but to not get offended by small things....
strong doubts end to idleness....
For a poor content is the last choice and for a rich man, something of higher value to acheive...
Have you seen arrogance? That is what stupidity look like...
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