Friends stay in the light with you and loved ones in the light and in the dark...
With adaptability to survival comes complexity...
When things become too complicated, expectations become simple.. Just get rid of them...
I understand that even after long struggles only few things change not all things but it is really worth to keep working because we are not everything... We are just part of things...
It is easy to find corruption. Wherever you find a disturbance, there must be some corruption involved...
In a corrupt society only faith grows not the conscience or a faith based on conscience...
You might get a good place to live and a earn a good position to take pride of but I wonder if you would be just... if you would be just, at least to your conscience?
When you earn something that you had aimed for, you are aware of the prices you paid for it but you may not be aware of things that you have earned along with it and the prices that you are going to pay for them....
Nothing looks good but it is not possible to get no opinion if one has conscience... Either one stands for a thing or for anything...
Out of context is out of reason....
Despite feeling the pain in my heart when I see someone is going through a painful stage due to a great loss, I do not let myself to get much worried. I know, it is really hard time but I see the strong, determined and mature person that is growing out of these pains…
When we are in a situation where our survival, reputation or future is in threat, we desperately look for solutions. This might appear as a very fragile moment but in fact, it is the perfect chance to prove to yourself and others of what you are capable of. It is a moment of truth…

World Wide Web is giving an interesting lesson that connectivity is makes one understand other fellows...and to remain human, one has not to get lost in it...

Well, that is something comes true again and again, the best way to communicate with nature is "silence"....When I shut, I hear it speaking...
I think, it is a common pattern of all times that older generation is annoyed by current generation and it is going to repeat. The impatience and desire for seeing the next generation in their own image are two main causes of annoyance… In short, the struggle is of joining or creating a new course…
In analyzing expressions of “intellectuals”, there are two paradoxical claims, some think that they give a consoling illusion and some that they provide clarity… Well, one thing is certain; getting panic just makes things worse so either way, for becoming clear one needs a calm nerve….
The only definition of failure that I know is “to do nothing”. The rest is practice…
It is not breaking rules that make one great… It is establishing a new rule by breaking rules that makes one great…
I am still fond of “thinking big” but recently becoming more inclined to understand that they also require the very ordinary and humble small steps for their realizations that I were continually ignoring….
Although realization doesn’t mean very close to “real” but it is essential for unlearning… I am still learning that unlearning takes more time than learning and it is much firmer than former

I forget so often that I feel my conscious mind resides in my unconscious mind :(

I do not wish a life of ease but I do wish a life of peace......

If you doubt my mind, I don't mind but if you doubt my heart, I take it to my heart....

If the world continues to get smaller at current rate then my guess is that in near future, my virtual-self will be looking for my actual-self....
The purpose of all those question marks in our heads is to not get one in front of our lives…

If you don’t want to get a lot of question marks in your head, you might not get an exclamation mark for your life…
I have never convinced by measuring of intelligence but rather by attitudes... I prefer learning by trying over learning to try....

Certainty to mind is like color blindness to eyes....

Playing number one means loosing respect for other and that is the beginning of self-made isolation.....

The moment one thinks of himself as number one, he is actually has started looking down......

I know that life goes on...I just want to make sure that it goes on with enthusiasm...
I am not really sure, what exactly the meaning of "growing up" is but I feel, it is usually taken as to make increasingly more room in mind for "contradictions"...What we usually call compromise and I am really slow in it....
I feel acting overprotectively is the sign of mistrust and an abuse....if Taliban is acting overprotectively to force women in wearing burqa...the French governmen is also acting overprotectively by fining those women who want to cover their faces...
Berlin wall stood for 28 years but walls of fear may stand forever...
From one side I hear that, “every choice has a price” and from other side that, “nothing is more expensive than missing an opportunity”…. I am really bad at mathematics and I think, that is bliss as it makes me to consult others while making my choices…

People who compete for positions, ends up having many wounds...people who go to heal the wounds ends up having all positions bestowing to them

If you think that life is not fair and do not rebel then you are not fair either....
Is someone who causes prodigious joys, a prodigy? At least I think so :)
Kindness and Pride is the worst combination that only square sufferings...
The tragedy of rebellions is ending to become anti-rebellion....
Over-talking is stepping on yourself....
Even a school boy knows that it takes 8 minutes 7 seconds for Sunlight to reach Earth but legends says that it took Gautama 6 years (He left his Palace at age 29 and enlightened at 35) to be enlightened.... I am just wondering, what is the distance between conscious and unconscious mind?
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