Facing a big crisis makes it easy to overcome smaller crises...

Everything wears down, except human stupidity. 
Spring is the time, when Nature becomes narcissistic. 
Writers are actors of thoughts...
Updated proverb, "Oil is thicker than blood"... 
When two angry rivals angrily insist on their strong senses, the common sense prefers to stay muted....

Good philosophies are not there to answer bad philosophies. Good philosophies are there because good people have their philosophies...

Pebbles are there because of gravity. you are there because you have accept it...

Philosophy is not just search for meaning of life. It is adding value to survival...

Good philosophy doesn't mean good person... Good person, definately means good philisophy...

If peace is a state of mind, then it is not expected from mindless people....

Some individuals have unmatched brilliance and decency that make you respect the whole nation because of them....

Anger is measure of growing up; Immature express anger and frustrations and grown ups understand others' angers & face their frustrations

Anger; When unconscious part speaks louder than conscious part. Everyone has a choice; which one represents him/her...

You can build dams to control the water but you can't stop water from flowing. ...
Opponents want to magnify your mistakes as your fall and it will be the biggest mistake to take a mistake as a fall...

The silence of those with responsibility speak louder than the violence of those who take responsibility....

When someone angrily says, "go to hell", is he/she saying that, "he/she has enjoyed it very much"?

Explanations can't justify failures and creating history can't replace making history....

I agree that, I am open but that doesn't mean, that I am heartless...

Overdone? That is like overeating... Overeating makes you vomit, even if the food is finest and of your most favorites...
"Values are nothing more than footnotes of culture and wars just demonstrate them"...

Fact is something, we accept and truth is something, we believe.

A little interesting analysis, followed by preaching is a propagandist technic, v. popular in contemporary media...
So, how one knows that peer pressure is at work? Irrational stance...

New logic: you pour in weapons and magically democracy and human rights pour out... Amazing

Wrong policies fail a good system and right policies compensate for the shortcoming of a poor system...

Here, I am welcoming Ramadan that allows me to come out of my comfort zone and taste life differently, at least for a month :)

Most of the days are ordinary and become precious when a tragedy happens and things change forever...

Those who love philosophy are the people who consider life precious enough, that deserved to be understood and lived intelligently...

Google has 30 billion dollars and "no idea", how to invest it. Most don't think much spending 3 dollars. Each zero requires thinking harder.

You can overlook a whole nation but you can't overlook their talents as talents find their ways in creating their realities.

Culture is there to recognise and communicate talents. The culture that does it better than other cultures grow to dominate...
It is amusing to see people do seemingly "stupid" things to not appear stupid.

They say, "wise enemy is better than naive friends". Seek wisdom to be a good friend and a better enemy...

The most weird comment that today I heard, "When they smile, it is as if they are invading my face". Smile as weapon is better than words..

"Arab Spring improved the view of Middle East from a place of ridicules to a place of bloody jokes...

Life demands us to have a liking like water, dissolving sweet, sour and bitter indiscriminately....

The basics; in order to be of help to others, one needs to grow strong as it is strong that can offer help at their wills and conscience..

They say, "With luck on your side, you can do without brains"... Well, that is true but you never know, when luck grows into bad luck...

Men compete, cowards kill...

I got just one life, so I prefer to break the lines to live at my fullest, instead of starving my mind by following the rules set by others

The digital world brought the street performers on online stage... Are professionals scared of competing with them?

Just as lesser is the government, the stronger is the democracy, so is the lesser is the rules, the stronger is the creativity...

Tell me the scale, and I will tell you, how much truth, a tale is holding...

iThink is the nature's product that everyone gets by default, but few value it more than iPhone, iPad and customize it to its potentials...

It is now understood, that men want to be good by nature but it is the society that corrupts them; I think, to protect myself..

Love is a mirror that reflects our weaknesses, our weakness in being not able to protect and help those we love, when they need us...

It is really offensive to think that there is a God, asking people to damn each other for His sake...But, that is what, really happening...
By Socratic skepticism: "All I know is that I know nothing", an ignorant theist is the same as a learned atheist in their beliefs as both are certain that, the other one is wrong....
Last century: people were idealist and they were following ideologies... Current century: people are realist and they follow the logic, "We are right because we have the power to kill"...
I am convinced that men are rational animal, as I see their best solution to the problems, they fail to reach a compromise is violence.

From stories of upright men, I see one thing common in them all; they have followers, not fellows

I see everywhere, persistence at work and have only seen it accompanied by charm in majestic works....

The difference between Yesterday and Today; I have another page of you with me :)

As rotten food disgusts one to not eat, similarly the rotten discussions disgust me to not write about them...
پشه دشمن زخم.....برای پشه زخم وشيرينی، هر دو غذاست
One of the reasons that, Philosophers are less relevant, in age of "free speech" is their favoring of censorship; Wisdom is self-censorship.. 

The point of Philosophy is not a subject but the way a subject is understood. It opens with questions and leave the subject, open-ended.. 

The very existence of different schools of thought are indicative of their open-ended natures however, prejudices keep them closed 

Intellectuals struggle b/w each other, whose sense of reality makes more sense and politicians struggle over " whose reality is more real". 

Wealth and power make one to have an illusion of wisdom... 

If you are the only the "model", available free for your projects then it might be looked upon as narcissism; Bragging is better than begging...

I avoid easy things and when it comes to hard things, I delay doing them either by working around them to familiarize myself enough to do them “right”. I call it passionate mediocrity..
I find songs more absorbing than reality... It is as a book's reviews are written much better than the book itself...
Seeing frown lines on most faces make me think that people are still too generous in using bitter words...

It is not just seeing that make an observation. It is the adjectives accompanying seeing that make an observation...

I appreciate informative sides of critics' works but "strong" analyses do not compensate the poverty of their creativity. To distort is to tort.

Intellectuals struggle with each other over "sense of reality makes more sense" and politicians struggle over " whose reality is more real".

As book reviews are intellectual ads of the books so are the news analyses, advertisements of the politicies that are already written.

One may doubt the claims of goodness but one may be in doubt to doubt an act of goodness...

Intellectuals are looked upon as must have pets despite of knowing that, "intellectual bites" are unexpected and most painful...

By this sweetness of yours, I soon may need the help of dentist...

There is a saying, "Knowledge speaks and wisdom listen"... The image that clicks me most is of class; a teacher speaks and students listen..

I think, the point of philosophy is keep us in doubt because the day one becomes certain, he will ask others to shut up...

Emotion wins the battle and rationality wins the war..
It is not that, there are fewer people who do care about others... It is “not caring” so uncommon that it appears abnormal…
Stranger than life you may be but don't be stranger to hearts filled with life... 
The reason that I take special interest in Hazaras is not just because I am a Hazara but because almost everyone in this "small" community is doing something against injustices they are facing and that is something great to be part of…
It is difficult to tell whether right is wrong or left is wrong but it is really easy to tell that ones who are indifferent are wrong as they let the fate of generations to come in the hands of those people that he/she feels are wrong...
Confidence is accepting yourself as you are and arrogance is not accepting others as they are.....

I didn't know, why we get slow when we talk to those who are sweet until I learnt that neurons consume twice glucose than somatic cells...

Today's ambitions are tomorrows regrets, if they aren't aimed for justice...

At the end of "The motorcycle's diaries" Che Guevara writes to his mom, "This travel has changed something. It has changed me from inside"... Thinking may not have the ability to change the world but it definitely has the ability to change from inside....

If computers were making mistakes as often as humans do, would we call them great?... I am just wondering on the reasoning of “experts” who consider some men as “great men” and debate whether “freewill” exists or it is just a construct…. 

They say, “if you go excessive, you will suffer”… Well, sufferings pay well if the cause worth it…  

They say, “All weathers are good”… We are not good at keeping our bodies good to be good in good weathers… 

What we know as “geniuses/greats” were individuals who tried to see humans in men while everybody else were busy seeing face of God or heroes in men…. 

I will look into logic when A to B appears on GPS. 
It is just fear that differentiates between dream and vision. An idea asserted with confidence becomes reality (vision) and an idea shaken by fear remains a dream.
For sure, ideas do not materialize unless it is intended to be materialized…
To me, prejudice is the worst kind of psychological disorder as it affects the collective memory of a population...

Every choice that we make is just an effort to make a sense of the world that we have not chosen for ourselves… 

Coming back to the half full/empty glass… Until one doesn’t ask, one has a general feeling of knowing enough but as hard questions come in then one realizes how much one really doesn’t know… 
At bottom line, strength is the determination to not go on your knees... The rest is strategy... 

Hope has no currency so it is not wise to trade it... You just give it away...

People asked Diogenes when he was asking his alms from a statue, “to get used to refusal”… We have a new notion, “Rights” and we have long way to go, to get used to refusal…
We all think alike in how to not think alike...
It happens a lot that just by leafing a few pages and reading a few lines, I move to next book... I think, we tend to read only books that are able to reflect us...
We all think but the real difference comes from where we focus most... On forethought, on his ideas or on afterthoughts? ...One who focuses on forethoughts, he is a good planner, one who focuses on afterthought, he is a good critic and one who focuses on his ideas, he is going to come up with new ones...

Reason is not something all understand, evidence is...

We can't blame people for their ill-behaviors but it is the patchy cultures that ill-grow them....

What we understand in depth, we complicate it by use of complicate language.... That is an intellectual rudeness....

Destiny makes sense only in past tense...

Friends stay in the light with you and loved ones in the light and in the dark...
With adaptability to survival comes complexity...
When things become too complicated, expectations become simple.. Just get rid of them...
I understand that even after long struggles only few things change not all things but it is really worth to keep working because we are not everything... We are just part of things...
It is easy to find corruption. Wherever you find a disturbance, there must be some corruption involved...
In a corrupt society only faith grows not the conscience or a faith based on conscience...
You might get a good place to live and a earn a good position to take pride of but I wonder if you would be just... if you would be just, at least to your conscience?
When you earn something that you had aimed for, you are aware of the prices you paid for it but you may not be aware of things that you have earned along with it and the prices that you are going to pay for them....
Nothing looks good but it is not possible to get no opinion if one has conscience... Either one stands for a thing or for anything...
Out of context is out of reason....
Despite feeling the pain in my heart when I see someone is going through a painful stage due to a great loss, I do not let myself to get much worried. I know, it is really hard time but I see the strong, determined and mature person that is growing out of these pains…
When we are in a situation where our survival, reputation or future is in threat, we desperately look for solutions. This might appear as a very fragile moment but in fact, it is the perfect chance to prove to yourself and others of what you are capable of. It is a moment of truth…

World Wide Web is giving an interesting lesson that connectivity is humanity...it makes one understand other fellows...and to remain human, one has not to get lost in it...

Well, that is something comes true again and again, the best way to communicate with nature is "silence"....When I shut, I hear it speaking...
I think, it is a common pattern of all times that older generation is annoyed by current generation and it is going to repeat. The impatience and desire for seeing the next generation in their own image are two main causes of annoyance… In short, the struggle is of joining or creating a new course…
In analyzing expressions of “intellectuals”, there are two paradoxical claims, some think that they give a consoling illusion and some that they provide clarity… Well, one thing is certain; getting panic just makes things worse so either way, for becoming clear one needs a calm nerve….
The only definition of failure that I know is “to do nothing”. The rest is practice…
It is not breaking rules that make one great… It is establishing a new rule by breaking rules that makes one great…
I am still fond of “thinking big” but recently becoming more inclined to understand that they also require the very ordinary and humble small steps for their realizations that I were continually ignoring….
Although realization doesn’t mean very close to “real” but it is essential for unlearning… I am still learning that unlearning takes more time than learning and it is much firmer than former

I forget so often that I feel my conscious mind resides in my unconscious mind :(

I do not wish a life of ease but I do wish a life of peace......

If you doubt my mind, I don't mind but if you doubt my heart, I take it to my heart....

If the world continues to get smaller at current rate then my guess is that in near future, my virtual-self will be looking for my actual-self....
The purpose of all those question marks in our heads is to not get one in front of our lives…

If you don’t want to get a lot of question marks in your head, you might not get an exclamation mark for your life…
I have never convinced by measuring of intelligence but rather by attitudes... I prefer learning by trying over learning to try....

Certainty to mind is like color blindness to eyes....

Playing number one means loosing respect for other and that is the beginning of self-made isolation.....

The moment one thinks of himself as number one, he is actually has started looking down......

I know that life goes on...I just want to make sure that it goes on with enthusiasm...
I am not really sure, what exactly the meaning of "growing up" is but I feel, it is usually taken as to make increasingly more room in mind for "contradictions"...What we usually call compromise and I am really slow in it....
I feel acting overprotectively is the sign of mistrust and an abuse....if Taliban is acting overprotectively to force women in wearing burqa...the French governmen is also acting overprotectively by fining those women who want to cover their faces...
Berlin wall stood for 28 years but walls of fear may stand forever...
From one side I hear that, “every choice has a price” and from other side that, “nothing is more expensive than missing an opportunity”…. I am really bad at mathematics and I think, that is bliss as it makes me to consult others while making my choices…

People who compete for positions, ends up having many wounds...people who go to heal the wounds ends up having all positions bestowing to them

If you think that life is not fair and do not rebel then you are not fair either....
Is someone who causes prodigious joys, a prodigy? At least I think so :)
Kindness and Pride is the worst combination that only square sufferings...
The tragedy of rebellions is ending to become anti-rebellion....
Over-talking is stepping on yourself....
Even a school boy knows that it takes 8 minutes 7 seconds for Sunlight to reach Earth but legends says that it took Gautama 6 years (He left his Palace at age 29 and enlightened at 35) to be enlightened.... I am just wondering, what is the distance between conscious and unconscious mind?
Uncle Einstein says, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”…. If you present your imaginations to world… artists will call you, “Romanticist”…. writers will call you, “Creative”…. entrepreneurs will call you, “Dreamy”…. Politicians will call you, “Utopian” … Philosophers will call you, “Idealist”… Well-wishers will call you, “Naïve”…. Me? I will call you, “Genuine Person”
The difference between education and learning is that of editing… Properly edited person is called an educated person and properly learned person is called well grown up person…
Simplification is yet another interpretation that helps initially to dig in and start understanding.... and...and... to complicate even more once one started getting entire map....

They say truth is bitter...that is right and a person who sticks to telling truth also appears bitter even if he is not.....

Confusion is an opportunity, if one is in learning mode......

It is true that plays do not solve the problems but they sharp the skills needed to solve the problems.....

It doesn't matter where you stand, life is a never ending struggle...so make sure your struggles make some positive changes to lives of some,  atleast to those who matter to you much......

To me, art is 75% composition and 25% imaginations......

I think, it is true that if we look hard and keep looking, we will learn how to look and find, what we wanted to see......that might be outrageous but that is true..

Ah, busy seems is the only story I got this week...
I have a very simple formula, if you are not sure whether your deed is just or not then make sure it is beautiful because justice might be painful but its results are definitely beautiful....
When one can't stand firm on his/her core values in valley, how would you expect him/her to carry them on top where wind blows hard...
Words rot when deeds rot the very beliefs, one is firmed on....
When one plans, he believes in himself for their success not in the ranking of plans...
What I specifically like about mountain is that it makes me realize that.....it really takes much patience, determination and a lot of perspiration to go uphill and one does not feel much before he is already downhill....
One who has surrendered, might have strong reasons for surrendering but may not convince any living soul...They say, life is perpetual struggle...
Technology disappoints me at very unexpected ways... It has broken my heart so many times that if it were a girl, I would prefer to remain bachelor all my life...hehehehe
It is really easy to become the victim of so called "honor" but it is not easy to endure or heal the pains it causes....
Wisdom is not the result of scholarly pursuits... scholars grow narrower in their opinions as they become more expert in their fields....

Passion does not play small.....

If one has faith in the destination, he/she is more likely to find ways to it....
The funny, incomplete expressions of children are sweet as we know they are spontaneous and genuine.... the rational and well articulated expressions of adults require interpretations as we know they are deliberate... (Just wanted to argue that I am a big kid...hehehe, funny or needs an interpretation?)
To me, life is magical and the breaths are ticket to its shows....
At school, my thinking was that a good teacher begins the class with a question and ends it with questions... I still hold it with me... I think, a good day begins with a question and ends with questions.... Sense is quest and the opposite is nonsense...
They say, all children are born creative and as they grow, the cultural norms kill their creativity...Well, then lucky are the adults who are still thinking of themselves as creative...they are lucky survivors....
Have a good night, you have survived yet another day....

I feel indebted to humanity for making me able to compose expressions that didn't exist :)

With each title comes a responsibility that asks for following certain rules that might not necessarily reflects one's judgments but certain values....
Trading trust with titles is the silliest thing one can do... It is the worthy people who make titles...there is no title, able in producing worthy men...

Self-made people love to make things out of scratches.... They usually tend to remake things, they get ready-made.......

Talent makes one able to do certain things and what one has treasured in his/her heart determine what one is going to become....
Life seems rewards more those who ask it for seemingly unattainable dreams....
When one is swimming against the flow then not losing becomes harder than winning...
Mind is good at synchronizing with world around but it needs the help of Philosophy in synchronizing with the lives around....
What we see as a civilization are few great thoughts floating over sea of interpretations....
Every civilization is the copy of few great minds....
Planners are of no help in managing time when one has an unsorted to do list... Sort out list and time get sorted by itself...
Silence is offensive especially when one has nothing to say.............
Dig into a rational man and you will see an irrational one, inside….
It seems that an artist's main job is to push for more freedom and a politician's main job to restrict it...
Yes, We have choices out of what have chosen for us...
No doubt, the learning process never stops but those who think their acts will have some impacts, take it very seriously....
It is right to treat all equal but it might not be right to expect everyone understands equally...
One stands when understands...
Too much kindness backfires... They say, it looks too good to be true...
We all having our qualities so looking down to others is nothing but a fool's pride at good times...
Being industrious may not suffice to keep with changes... Having an industrious zeal for change pays well in times of unexpected changes...
One needs to be stupid enough to dream big in order to become smart enough to find ways to get them...
Too busy mind is a slow one...

They say, things get easier as one grows stronger... That is true but strength does not persists...so I look not for ease but for something evergrowing even if it always accompany hardship.....

I think, one of main reasons for love of fantasy is to have a share of what people love but can't attain...
In uncommon situation, normal rules become abnormal. The question is, people who do not follow normal rules can still be called normal?
Men don't battle on evidences but on speculations...
Every generation have the germs of truth in them and no time was easy for truth however, in our time, there are too many kinds of antibiotics (propaganda) to allow them to grow to their niches..
It might be very difficult to live a life of third world citizen in the third world country but it is not easy either to live a life of third world citizen in first world country....
I may forget most of what I have said but I will definitely miss what I haven't said...
When one does excellent job as an amateur, believe me he is not going to do perfect by becoming professional... Methodology just ruins creativity...
I just can't repeat myself. It feels like a habit...
One may renounce reason but reason doesn't renounce anyone...
Wisdom is a follower. It follows courage, openness, curiosity and compassion...
It is really easy to know whether you love one or not? Just ask yourself, how often you are ready to forgive him/her?
Right comes after fascination so I am fascinated till right appears...
You are born to be loved and make sure to be loved when you are dying...
The quality of our experiences depend largely on the quality of thoughts and perceptions...
Logic at its peaks become a reduced language of logicians... Similarly, social values at their peaks become reduced norms of ruling class...
Arrogance is the result of psuedo-certainty...
Arrogance is the result of psuedo-certainty...
Not any of good things that we passionately seek are righteous on their own but they are defined for the purpose they are aimed to...
I look to prejudice as an attitude of giving an idea more importance than the purpose, it was created to serve for…
Ideas stay only with good hosts...
It is easy to withstand a strrong enemy but not oneself...
Civilizations don't fall. They commit suicide.
Greed has no measure for the sizes of its bites...
The only time that weakness benefits is at time of anger... Anger is the peak of one's irrationality and weaker is one's irrationality, better it is for one...
It is only ideas that grow bigger than life. Life can down a man of ideas but not his ideas....
We Humans are really good with words; when we get hurt by very small things, instead of calling it weakness, we call it sensitivity...
The sweetest thing that I don't get bored with any amount of it, is kindness...
There is a general conception that brevity might look smart but it is the result of laziness both in contemplation and expression and yet I miss no chance in expressing myself transiently
Misunderstanding always follow a sincere helping hand...
If one is too concerned about misunderstanding, he will not be able to bring changes...
Smile is welcome sign on the face... It is rarely possible that one have an open heart but not a smile on the face...
Beggining are judged by end results as all beggining are insignificant...
In past people were considering one “smart” who was able to hit two preys with single shot… Well, that is no more valid as now financiers hit millions with a single shot…
“Religion is the opium of people” said Marx… I think Marx wrote it without much contemplation (he couldn’t live to our age :(… otherwise he had written, “Religion is the opium of poor and social technology is the opium of middle and higher classes,”…Reason? Well, Each year we see higher doses of same stuffs, iphone 1-4s, ipad 1-2, Harry Potter 1-8, Pirates of Caribbean 1-3, Mission impossible 1-4 (more are coming),..and so on… At least I am convinced that each class has its opium….
Humans are unique in their ability to learn from others’ experiences and it is noteworthy that we learn most from those, whom we care most…
Does rationalizing crimes is a rationale behavior?
To me, culture is an anthropological psychoanalysis...
I would only buy the claim that unconsciousness is a myth if I could see people aren't comparing themselves with their cousins as they grow mature...
My only problem with envying is that it makes one go shopping for personality than earning one...
When one starts enjoying prestige, he starts fearing change and that is the begining to lose originality...
Luck is another name of having choices...
There is no escape from death: The struggles are not to escape death but what to die for...
Life gives small roles to get organized enough for a bigger one...
Though it matters who care about one but more important is, why they care...
If a loss brings two hearts closer, it is no longer counted as a loss...
If a loss brings two hearts closer, it is no longer counted as a loss...
What we mean by character is the ability to overcome the emotions...
It is of less importance, how world shapes one than how one shapes world....
It is not cool to become dusty before returning to dust...
Every extraordinary is ordinary in constituents...
Fear is the eyes of evil which see only negativity...
Selfishness is the first step towards misjudgment...
It seems that heaven loves to suprise creatures...
It is true that Socrates didn't get much from world but world got a lot from him...
Error and trial has been the way human has unraveled and expanded their knowledge but if error is taken equal to wrong and trialed for then, truth is shut….
Analyses are more palatable than news and I think that indicates, we are more interested in what we don’t see than what we see…. (Trust deficit)
Lately, I am inclined to conclude that, what 99% understands is very hard for 1% to get… I guess, it is going to be the way people will look to “smarts”….
It is not hammering that shapes an iron but hammering for that shapes it for....
They say knowledge is power. Of course, it is but its power to change is slow and come by planned and cosistent efforts....
How one can expect to bring change when strong ones resisting it. Of course by becoming stronger...
What you dream is what spirit for...
A just cause makes it easy to bear hardships...
Just show me the boundary and I will break it...
Having big heart doesn't mean to not care about big things but to not get offended by small things....
strong doubts end to idleness....
For a poor content is the last choice and for a rich man, something of higher value to acheive...
Have you seen arrogance? That is what stupidity look like...
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