"Arab Spring improved the view of Middle East from a place of ridicules to a place of bloody jokes...
Life demands us to have a liking like water, dissolving sweet, sour and bitter indiscriminately....
The basics; in order to be of help to others, one needs to grow strong as it is strong that can offer help at their wills and conscience..
They say, "With luck on your side, you can do without brains"... Well, that is true but you never know, when luck grows into bad luck...
Men compete, cowards kill...
I got just one life, so I prefer to break the lines to live at my fullest, instead of starving my mind by following the rules set by others
The digital world brought the street performers on online stage... Are professionals scared of competing with them?
Just as lesser is the government, the stronger is the democracy, so is the lesser is the rules, the stronger is the creativity...
Tell me the scale, and I will tell you, how much truth, a tale is holding...
iThink is the nature's product that everyone gets by default, but few value it more than iPhone, iPad and customize it to its potentials...
It is now understood, that men want to be good by nature but it is the society that corrupts them; I think, to protect myself..
Love is a mirror that reflects our weaknesses, our weakness in being not able to protect and help those we love, when they need us...
It is really offensive to think that there is a God, asking people to damn each other for His sake...But, that is what, really happening...